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新資訊.安全用藥速查指南 英美日及歐洲各國亞馬遜讀者★★★★★推薦 |
■商品簡介 史上最暢銷用藥指南, 在藥物及網路資訊混亂的時代, 發行逾20年的The Pill Book, 全書內容詳盡── 【每個家庭都該擁有一本《新資訊.安全用藥速查指南》】
【本書能幫你什麼?讀者真實回饋】 Being a pharmacy technician, I keep this at home as one of my family go to books. I would recommend that every home have one. It is good for checking interactions and general information in understandable english. This book lets you look up every prescription medication in the USA, even recent ones, whether by trade name (e.g., Halcion) or generic description (Triazolam) -- if there are exceptions to that universality I don't know of them. The listing will tell you much more than a doctor will, or even a pharmacy information sheet -- common dosages (even photos of the most popular pills, for example Plate "M" for Halcion/Triazolam), class of medication (such as Benzodiazepine sedative), what it's for and how it works, common and rare side effects, what to do if you've missed a dose, what not to take concurrently, what to do if you overdose or have negative reactions, and so on. 英文版亞馬遜上共有三百多則書評,
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